Friday 26 April 2013

my kids


dh lame gilee chek dyedee x berborak sgsorang dgn abg blog nie !!~ ksian dye d tggalkn...yee lah bkn aper hubby dyedee yg tercinta tue marah  lah asyik hangout dgn abg blog jee !!~ smpai terabai dye...tue yg kiteorg spend quality time lah ai tue...tue yg berabuk abg blog dyedee tnggalkn...hahaha

nie 4 dari 15 hubby dyedee !!~ kuang3 n wat are u doinng hyukjae ??!!~ hahaha

*bab2 melalut x tentu hala mmg juara...yee lah fangirl biasenye dye melalut thap tggi cket...hahaha *

so mlm nie sbnrnye dyedee nk tdoe awal...ingtkn lepas isyak terus nk tdoe sbb dyedee dh lame x tdoe awal thap bdak2 skola rendah nie !!~ since dyedee dh x bersekolah so dyedee x ambek port sgt pom mase tidoe dyedee..tpi yg pasti hari2 dyedee tdoe lewat...around 3 pagi kot..tue pom kire awal dh...kuang3...kdg2 lepas subuh baru tdoe...nie kes teruk lah nie !!~ nie kes addicted dgn fanfic tue yg melalut smpai subuh tue^^

so konon nk tdoe awal hari nie skali x bley nk tdoe..kepale dyedee asyik berserabut dgn budak2 jee...cyez budak2 !!~ xder specific o smua budak lah !!~ x kire lah sape pom asalkn nme dye budak !!~ hehe dyedee pom x taw knpe this lately nie lepas dyedee balek dari merapoh dyedee rase sunyi jee...hehe

ingt x budak cute nie ?? yoogeun !!~ skunkz dh besar !!~ nie lah budak hello baby shinee !!~ dyedee suke dye !!~ cute !!~ sbb dye lah dyedee knal semua members shinee !!~ so shinee !!~ thanks to him !!~ heehe

kalau dekat merapoh bley men dgn anak2 kak ayu yg adorable gilee tue...skunkz dh 3 minggu dyedee balik dari merapoh tue yg meroyan cket tue...asyik ingt kt dyeorg jee...nie lah !!~ sape suruh dyeorg nie cute sgt...

nie lah kak ayu n her children !!~~ aper yg muke sgsorang cuak sgt nie ??!!~ hahaha

so meh sini dyedee knalkn untk korunk !!~

  1. budak laki yg baju belang2 biru tue name dye ALONG
  2. budak pompuan yg baju pink tue name dye NIA
  3. budak kecik yg mak dye pelok tue AFIQ

dyeorg sgt lah comei...tpi kadang2 kenakalan mereka 3 org nie bley buat kak ayu pening !!~ tpi yee lah budak2 nakal biase lah kn...tue yg comei sgt tue...

mule2 mse first time dyedee jmpe dyeorg nia x nk langsung kwn dgn chek dyedee...nia nie kalau org dye x knal mmg dye x rpat sgt..pastue dyedee slalu approach dye tpi slalu kne reject...sedey kn...dyedee slalu ckp ' nia salam !!~ ' smbil hulur tgn tpi msti dye lari pnye...tpi lpas 2 3 hari dduk merapoh asyik kene reject jee chek dyedee pom buat x layan dh kat nia...dyedee asyik men dgn afiq jee...afiq nie len dgn nia !!~ mngkin sbb afiq kecik lg so semua org dye men jee...wloupom x knal mmg dye pegi jee kat org tue...sbb tue dyedee suke men dgn afiq...

afiq tgok aper tue fiq ?? sedey jee muke !!~~ * muke afiq mmg mcm tue..sedey jee * huhu

pastue ad lah satu hari tue dyedee duk tgah men dgn afiq ttbe nia dtg cuit chek dyedee...pastue dye ckp lah ' afiq !!~ afiq !!~ ' smbil tunding jari dkat afiq...mase tue dyedee yg pegang afiq...pastue dyedee pom ckp ' dh nie sape ?? ' dyedee tunding jari dekat nia...pastue nie pom tunding jari dkat badan dye pastue dye pom ckp ' nie nia ' comei gileeee !!~~ n start pd mase tue lah dyedee bek dgn nia...cmner nk resist budak cute mcm tue...huhu

skunkz yoogeun dh besar !!~ serious len !!~ kuang3

dyedee jd start suke dkat budak2...dh hari2 duk men dgn dyeorg...wloupom nakal tpi dyeorg sgt lah comei !~ hahaha...adalah satu hari tue nia makan makanan ringan...pastue dyedee sjee jee test market...dyedee pom pegi kat nia pastue dyedee pom ckp ' aciek nk jgak !!~ aaaaaaaaaa ' dyedee siap bukak mulut luas2 nk tggu dye suap..dyedee dduk merapoh ader nickname baru ' aciek adik ' pelek gilee kn nme tue...x nk lepas jgak prkataan adek tue...hahaha...tpi oley krane pnjng sgt so d pendekkn jd ' aciek ' sambung citee balek...mase dyedee bukak mulut tue nia pom suap dyedee dgn mknan ringan tue...pastue dyedee pom buat lah reaction yg exaggerate cket ' urmmm bestnye !!~ ' sambil buat mulut mcm kunyah2 cmtue...pastue nia pom giggle smbil ttup mulut dgn tgn dye pastue mate dye ttup...comei gileee !!~

nia giggle mcm nie lah !!~ comei ^^

lepas pd hari tue  tiap kali dye makan snak k biskut k msti dye dtg kat dyedee pastue nk suap dyedee...dyedee pom bukak mulut jee lah...hahaha...pndai x dyedee ajar ??!!~ kuang3...kdg2 dyedee sjee jee mkn skali tgn nia !!~ sbb dyedee suke tgok dye giggle..kiut !!~ hahaha

* mcm nie lh nia suap dyedee !!~ lamenye nia dh x suap dyedee !!~ hehe *

kalau along plak sng cket nk bek dgn dye sbb dye dh besar cket kn so x der lah take time sgt mcm nia...mse mule2 dyedee approach along klakar gileee !!~ dyedee pegi kat dye...pastue dyedee pom ckp ' along !!~ ' mse nie along malu2 lg dgn dyedee...dye pom humming jee pastue  smbunyi blkang pintu pastue dye mcm mengintai cmtue...comei gileee..pastue dyedee pom ckp ' along x nk salam dgn aciek k ?? ' along nie dgar kate cket...kadang2 lah !!~ hahaha mule2 dye x heran pom..pastue dyedee pegi kt dye pastue hulur tgn...mule2 dye tgok pelek jgak kt dyedee tpi last2  dye salam jgak !!~ pastue dyedee sjee jee ckp kt dye ' along !!~ aciek taw name along aper. name along aiyish kn ?? ' pastue dye pom snyum pastue nmpak lah mcm dye interested dgn dyedee !!~ so that's how dyedee mule2 approach along !!~ 

along nie mnje jee ank sulong...lelaki plak tue...tpi manje dgn same thap jee dgn lah satu hari tue dyedee ckp kt dye ' along !!~ nk aciek gendong x ?? cepat !!~ ' gendong tue mksudnye piggyback lah !!~ huhu...pastue lepas hari tue slalu dye nk suruh dyedee gendong dye !!~ dh lah dye tue berat..pastue dyedee mcm ' aduh knpe lah ak ajar dyeorg pasal piggyback nie ' hahaha kalau dyedee ckp x bley msti dye merengek nk jgak..bile dyedee ckp ' skali jee taw !!~ ' smbil tunjuk jari satu...pastue dye ckp ' x nk !!~ nk gini !!~ ' dye tunjuk jari 2...bile dyedee ckp ok msti dye nk tambah lg...mmg lah budak nie !!~ hahaha

along nie dye suke sgt jeles dgn nia !!~ kalau dyedee men aper2 dgn nia msti dye nk dyedee men mcm tue jgak dgn dye...x patot btoi !!~ kecik2 dh pndai jeles..hahaha...hari tue dyedee men dgn nia..dyedee pelok nia pastue dyedee pusing mcm dlm citee tue..kuang3..nia bley lh tahan sbb nia tue ringan bley lh dyedee nk men mcm tue...pastue along tgok dye pom nk jgak !!~ abis lah chek dyedee mcm nie !!~ pastue dyedee pom buat lah skali dua kt dye tpi sbb dye  berat dyedee pom x buat lah byk mcm dyedee buat kt nia pastue dye pom ungkit ' nk mcm nia !!~ ' pastue dyedee ckp lah ' x bley lh along...ckup lah !!~ along berat lah !!~ ' pastue dye merengek2 jgak..dyedee pom buat skali lg then buat2 jatuh mcm letey tpi mmg dyedee letey taw tak lyn budak 3 org nie !!~ hahaha....pastue along pom x merengek dh !!~ bijak x chek dyedee ?? ksian pom along dgn aciek dyeorg nie !!~ hehe

yoogeun !!~ noona suke tgok yoogeun !! cute !!~ heehe

ad lg dyedee nk citee thap kejelesan along nie !!~ hahaha...mengumpat btoi !!~ kuang3

ad satu hari tue dyedee tgah tgok tv so dyedee pom dduk lah ats sofa...pastue nia dtg kt dyedee...mse tue dyedee bosan so dyedee pom angkt nia letak ats peha dyedee..pastue dyedee pom mcm buat2 mcm jatuhkn kepala nia...mcm kepale nia kt bawah lah tpi nia still dduk ats chek dyedee yg penting dyedee pegang lah kepala dye takot terkena lantai k terkena kaki chek dyedee kire slamat lah dyedee buat cmtue..dyedee slalu buat cmtue dgn afiq...yee lah afiq kn kecik lg so sng jee lah nk buat !!~ hahaha..dyedee buat cmtue sbb dyedee suke tgok nia ketawa pastue ttup mulut dgn mate !!~ comei !!~ bilee dyedee buat cmtue dye pom giggle lah stiap kali dyedee jatuhkn kepala dye...pastue along pom nmpak lah dyedee men dgn nia sbb dye pom ad jgak kt citue...pastue along dtg kt dyedee pastue along pom ckp ' nk mcm nia jgak !!~ ' dye tolak nia sbb nk dduk ats dyedee jgak nk men mcm nia...masalahnye along tue dyedee pom ckp lah ' x bley lh along !!~ along berat lah !!~ ' ksian plak dyedee dgn dye abis nk buat cmner...pastue  dyedee pom bg piggyback kt dye yee lah nnti merajuk plak...pastue lpas piggyback along dtg pelok dyedee...dye nk yg pusing2 dyedee pom pelok dye pastue pusing 2 3 kali kot...pastue baru lah nmpak dye x jeles...aduh ssah jgak ader yg jeles cmnie !!~ hahaha...tpi comei bile along dye nk suruh dyedee men dgn dye...msti  dye nk dyedee buat aper yg dyedee buat kt nia !!~ msti slalu ckp ' nk mcm nia !!~ '  nnti besar msti kuat jeles nie !!~ hahaha

pouting !!~ kiut ^^

mase kiteorg mkn dinner dkat umah kak nida...mase tue kiteorg mkn rmai2 lah...ader kak ayu n ank2 cute dyeorg , dyedee , akak dyedee , kak nik , kak nida , kak ila, abg yus n abg eddy...pastue lepas abg yus mkn dye pom dukung afiq dpn tv smbil berdiri mcm jln2 cket cmtue lah...pastue along pom pegi kat abg yus pastue dye pelok pinggang abg yus sbb dye nk bergantung dkat abg yus sbb dye nk suruh abg yus pusingkn dye mcm dyedee slalu buat kt dye...masalahnye abg yus mne paham sbb dye x penah men mcm tue dgn along...dh lah mlm tue abg yus pkai kaen pelekat...nk tnjuk dye baru balek msjid lah tue...kuang3..dyedee yg tgok along dgn abg yus mlm tue rase nk gelak jee...dh along smngt gile nk bergantung dkat abg yus , abg yus plak cuak jgak sbb dh lh along mcm nk tarik kaen pelekat dye tue...silap2 bley terlorah kaen tue...dh lh abg yus tgah pegang afiq sbb afiq mcm nk tidoe satu tgn pegang afiq satu tgn lg pegang kaen dye !!~ pastue abg yus pom ckp ' along tue dh besar lah...jgn lh buat mcm nie nnti terlorah lah kaen aciek yus...dh lh aciek yus pkai kaen jee bkn pkai sluar ' pastue along pom berhenti lah...ksian plak kt along...aciek adek jee paham along nk aper...yg pegi buat dkat aciek yus tue knpe..?? mmg lah aciek yus x paham along nk aper...aper lah along nie !!~ * facepalm * kuang3...dyedee pom gelak jee lah tgok bdak dua org tue...smua org gelak..kuang3

dyedee x tahu ank sape nie !!~ dyedee ambek jee sbb kuit sgt !!~ hahaha

pastue ader satu hari tue kn dyedee rase mcm comei gilee jee budak2 nie !!~ nia suke men angrybird dlm hp umie dye a.k.a kak ayu...tpi dyedee rase dye bkn suke men angrybird tpi dye suke dgar lagu tema angrybird tue jee sbb stiap kali dye bukak game tue n lgu brbunyi msti dye gerak2 kn bdn dye dgn smngtnye tpi gaye  dye gerakkn bdn mcm chicken dyedee kn slalu suke buat nek rating cket so dyedee pom sjee jee lah dyedee dduk bersila tpi dyedee pom buat gerak bdn dgn bertenaga taw...pastue nia pom lg2 bersemngt lah dye nk menari lgu angrybird tue...kuang3 

nia dtg kat dyedee yg tgah bersila ttbe dye dtg dduk ats chek dyedee...dyedee x kesah pom sbb dyedee suke dye buat cmtue...nmpak comei !!~ slambe jee dye jln n trus dduk ats  chek dyedee sambil pegang hp kak ayu nk men angrybird...pastue bile dyedee dh selesa landing ats chek dyedee dye pom letak hp ats lantai pastue dye ambek tgn dyedee pastue pegang jari telunjuk dyedee mcm dye pegang pensel pastue  dye pom start lh men angrybird gune tgn chek dyedee !!~ chek dyedee ulang !!~ nia men angrybird gune TANGAN CHEK DYEDEE !!~~ comei gileee !!~ rase nk tenyeh jee budak nie !!~ comei sgt !!~ dyedee pom bia jee lah sbb dyedee pom xder keje kn...yee lah org xder adek mcm nie lah gayenye !!~ hahaha

so along yg tgok nia buat cmtue dye nk jgak !!~ ssah x mcm nie ??!!~ aigooo tpi xper lah dyeorg pnye pasal dyedee sggop along pegi ambek tablet dye pastue nk men game bola dye pom buat mcm nia jgak !!~ tpi along dduk sbelah dyedee pastue ambek tgn dyedee pastue pegang jari telunjuk dyedee mcm pensil n start tue sweep the skrin...pastue dyedee pom buat muke mcm ' dh nie knape yg nk gune tgn aciek nie bdak dua org nie ?? ' tpi dyedee buat muke jee lah...x ckp pom mcm bley byg x tgn kanan nia gune tgn kire along gune !!~ dh xder tgn dh dyedee gune...last2 dyedee men jee lah dgn dyeorg...kjap tgok nia men tpi bile dyedee tgok nia men lame cket msti along nk jgak...dye pom mule lh pukul peha dyedee pastue tnjuk dkat game dye dyedee pom bg lh perhatian kt dye pulak n mcm tue lah smpai lah dyeorg nk tdoe...dyedee tersepit d tgah2 bdak dua org nie !!~ mjur lah afiq kecik lg !!~ hahaha tpi dyedee suke lah dyeorg nie !!~ slalu jee buat2 kiut cmnie !!~ kuang3...bkn skali dyeorg gune tgn dyedee nk men...stiap kali nk men msti cari tgn chek dyedee...femes gilee chek dyedee kt sne..kuang3

dyedee suke tgok reaction dyeorg bile dyedee kononnye buat magic !!~ kuang3 padahal xder mknenye nk buat magic...dyedee slalu ambek bnde2 kecik yg dyeorg pegang k pastue sorok kt blkng pastue dyedee pom ckp lh ' dh hilang !!~ ' siap tnjuk tgn dyedee ckp dh ilang !!~ pastue dyedee pegang tgn dyedee dua belah pastue buat cm hembus2 cket pastue ambek brg dkat blkng yg dyedee sorok tue pastue bg lh dkat dyeorg !!~ msti dyeorg buat muke kejut pastue ketawa...aduh lah knpe lah yg comei sgt nie !!~ hahaha...dyedee slalu buat cmtue kt dyeorg...nmpak mcm dyedee tipu dyeorg tpi sbnrnnye dyedee sjee jee nk tarikh prhatian dyeorg !!~ kuang3  gaye mcm dh x ckup kaseh syg jee chek dyedee nie !!~ hahaha

ad skali tue nia jatuh pastue  mcm kaki dye saket cmtue...pastue dyedee tnye lah ' nia knape nie ?? skali kt mne ?? ' pastue dye pom tnjuk lh dkat kaki dye...pastue ttbe dyedee dpt idea...pastue dyedee pom ckp ' meh cini aciek jampi !!~ '  prkataan jampi tue x ley blah tue...hiperbola btoi !!~ kuang3...pastue dyedee bace bismillah pastue tiup dkat yg nia tnjuk tmpat dye sakit tue smbil gosok dgn tgn dyedee...pastue dyedee tnye lah ' saket x lg ?? dh x saket kn ?? ' smbil gosokkn...pastue nia pom senyum...alahai kiut gileee !!~ lepas hari tue stiap kali dye saket k tgn dye kene gigit semut k nyamuk k msti dye dtg kt dyedee sambil tnjuk tmpat dye saket pastue ckp ' saket !!~ ' sambil buat muke kiut dye tue !!~ hahaha...tpi smpai skunkz dyedee x paham mcm mne nia dh x rase sket lepas dyedee ' jampi ' kt dye...padahal x buat aper2 pom...kuang3

n mcm biase lah along yg nmpak dyedee ' jampi ' nia dye pom nk kene jampi jgak...pastue dye pom sjee jee buat mcm terlanggar something pastue dtg kt dyedee ckp ' saket !!~ ' sambil pegang kaki dye...mmg lah budak nie !!~ dyedee pom ' jampi ' ah dye jgak n back to normal...kuang3...lawak lah budak2 nie !!~ nk gelak tgok along nie pom tahan jee lah...hahaha

ad satu mlm tue nia dgn along gaduh pastue dyeorg terlanggar kepala dgn kepala...pastue dyedee pom pegi lh dkat dyeorg...pastue dyedee tgok nia mcm nk nanges dh kepala saket terhantuk dgn kepala along...pastue dyedee pom ckp lah ' nie kenapa nie ?? along buat aper nie ?? ' pastue nia terus dtg kt dyedee pastue dye tnjuk kepala dye smbil dye gosok2 kepala n muke nia x yah ckp lah...nk nanges gilee !!~ dyedee pom pelok nia pastue gosok lah kepala nia...along pulak yg tgok x puas atie...pastue along nk jgak...along pom nk tnjuk kepala dye...dyedee pom nk gosok lah jgak kasi ' jampi ' cket...pastue kak ayu pom panggil along..pastue along pom pegi dkat kak ayu...x sempat lh dyedee nk gosok kepala dye...lepas tue terus dye x nk tegur dgn dyedee...merajuk gilee dye mlm tue...yee lah dyedee duk ' jampi ' nia jee...last2 along msok bilik trus tdoe...x tgur dyedee lgsung...mmg btoi2 marah lh tue...kuang3...mlm tue mmg dyedee bersalah jgak lh dgn along...pastue dyedee pikir mcm ' aishh ssah jgak ek jd mak...kene adil '   tpi mmg dyedee mngaku lah dyedee x adil dgn nia n along...n now i feel so sorry to along...nk buat cmner dyedee dh x pegi merapoh dh lepas nie so x berpeluang lh nk men ' jampi ' dyeorg !!~ kuang3

* along merajuk x dpt ' jampi ' hahaha *

ad satu hari tue pulak along dye merajuk dgn chek dyedee sbb dyedee x nk men dgn dye..kuang3...bkn dyedee x nk men tpi dyedee letey gilee sbb ikot akak dyedee pegi game netball...n mmg letey gilee so x larat dh nk men dgn along nie..pastue dyedee ckp lah ' along !!~ aciek letey lah !!~ ' pastue dye duk 2 3 kali merengek tpi dyedee x ambek port jgak dye pom snyap lah men tablet dye tepi dyedee...tgok !!~ dye marah lh mcm mne pom dgn dyedee tpi still stick dgn dyedee jgak * bangge * sbb tue dyedee suke..kuang3...mase tue dyedee bia jee lah along merajuk !!~ jahat gilee !!~ kuang3...dyedee pom sembang2 dgn kak ila...pastue dyedee ader lh terkluar suara high pitch mse sembang2 tue sbb dyedee excited sgt pastue along pom pukul peha dyedee dh lah kuat !!~ huhu pastue dye pom ckp ' bising lah..senyap cket !!~ ' siap letak tgn dkat mulut dye lg...nmpak marah btoi dgn chek dyedee !!~ kuang3 dyedee speechless kjap sambil sapu peha dyedee yg saket sbb dye nie pukul...tpi dyedee x ambek port pom...nk merajuk , merajuk lh sgsorang...x larat nk pujuk !!~ hahaha...jahat gilee !!~ soe lah along aciek x layan along !!~ letey lah long !!~ heehe

* along maraa mcm nie lah !!~ hahaha *

afiq jgak cool jee !!~ go on jee dgn sape dye men !!~ afiq nie sempoi jee !!~ x kesah pom sape dukung dye !!~ sape lambung dye !!~ dyedee suke lambung afiq sbb bile dyedee lambung dye msti gelak...comei gilee !!~ lg dye gelak lg lah dyedee nk lambung dye !!~ ad satu hari kiteorg semua pegi rumah kak nida !!~ umah kak nida nie rndah sikit siling dye so mknenye kipas siling tue mcm dkat jee lah dgn kepala...pastue dyedee pom lambung afiq n mcm biase lah reaksi afiq msti ketawa comei dye tue tpi kak nida dgn kak ayu jerit sbb dkat jee kepala afiq nk kene kipas...kuang3...mjur lah x kene lagi...chek dyedee nie kalau jmpe afiq dh x nmpak dh bnde len...suke lambung budak nie !!~ hahaha

* afiq gelak lg sakan dari nie !!~ hahaaha *

dyedee suke jgak men superman dgn afiq sbb dyedee suke tgok dye ketawa...ketawa dye tue comei superman nie dyedee pegang dye gaye superman pastue kejar along dgn nia...pastue bile dyedee mcm nk kejar nia dgn along smbil pegang afiq cmtue msti along dgn nia lari smbil gelak2 n jerit2 yg xley blah dgn afiq2 skali duk jerit n gelak sakan...padahal bkn afiq yg kene kejar pom...kuang3...dyedee rindu saat2 men dgn dyeorg cmtue !!~ arhhhh rindunye !!~ hehe...x pom kalau dyedee mls nk berlari kejar2 budak dua org tue...dyedee angkat afiq n pegang dye mcm superman pastue pegi dkat cermin pastue dyedee buat mcm afiq nk langgar cermin tue dgn kepala dye lah...tpi x kene pom cermin tue...dyedee hayun afiq laju2 pastue bile nk smpai cermin tue dyedee berhenti lah...pastue buat balik !!~ afiq msti gelak sakan bile kepala dye nk kene cermin siap pejam mate lg yg x tahan tue...kuang3

lpas men dgn dyeorg semua nie dyedee ttbe rase nk sgt adek !!~ dyedee tahu lah terlambat tpi dyedee nk jgak !!~ kuang3...dyedee nk men dgn dyeorg cmtue...dyedee nk tgok dyeorg pouting bile dyedee x nk men dgn dyeorg...dyedee nk pelok dyeorg pusing laju2...dyedee nk kejar dyeorg...dyedee nk men superman dgn dyeorg...dyedee nk piggyback dyeorg...dyedee nk lambung afiq puas2...dyedee nk tgok dyeorg giggle cutely bile men dgn dyedee !!~ dyedee nk dgar dyeorg jerit bile dyedee kejar dyeorg !!~ dyedee nk dgar dyeorg merengek bile nk suruh dyedee men dgn dye !!~ sng citeee dyedee nk adek jgak !!~

dyedee skunkz slalu ckp kat umie ' umie !!~ adek nk adik !!~ ' pastue umie pnye reaction msti cmnie ' hahaha ' tue jee !!~ kuang3

btoi lah aper yg akak dyedee ckp ' bile tgok kak ayu dgn ank2 dye msti rase mcm nk ank sndiri '   serious !!~ tpi kalau dyedee nk ank mcm awal sgt so dyedee nk adik lah !!~ kalau chek lina tue sesuai ah kalau rase nk ank sndiri pom !!~ kuang3

sbb dyeorg lah dyedee suke budak2 skunkz !!~ slen dari hae yg mngubah dyedee jd syg budak2..hehehe..hubby i slalu mmbantu mnjdkn i lebey bek !!~ kuang3...sbb budak2 nie jgak lah dyedee nk ank 15 org lepas kawen nnti !!~ kuang3

to : along , nia , afiq

aciek syg korunk smua sama jee...xder lebey kurang along x yah lh nk jeles dgn nia !!~ aciek pom syg alonng jgak !!~ aciek rindu nk piggyback dgn nia n along !!~ aciek rindu nk ' jampi ' korunk !!~ aciek rindu nk pelok korunk pastue pusing laju2 smpai pening !!~ hahaha...korunk jgn nk lupe aciek taw !!~ korunk smua cpat2 lah sembuh !!~ ingt aciek x taw k nia dgn afiq kene chicken pop !!~ aciek kn psg spy !!~ along jgn nk berjangkit jgak..ksian umie nk jage korunk smua taw !!~ korunk kene taw aciek syg korunk sgt !!~

from :
aciek adik ^^

Thursday 18 April 2013



ok semua !!!~~ kumpul dkat2 sikit !!!~~ nnti x dgar plak aper chek dyedee nk cite nie !!~ hahaha

bab2 mengarut juara paling atas !!!~ tue lah chek dyedee !!~ gempak x ??!!~~ gilee x gempak !!~~

so ad x yg x taw aper tue fangirling ??!!~ hands up !!~~ x yah nk malu2 !!~~ ok chek dyedee nmpak ader sorang kt blakang tue angkat tgn so let me clear it for u ok !!~~ hahaha * just ignore my imagination *

fangirling berasal dari perkataan fangirl yg bermaksud = peminat perempuan mnakala fangirling plak adalah perbuatan peminat wanita bile memikirkn idol dyeorg !!~ paham x klas ??!!~~ hahaaha * nie lah jdnye bile xder chance jd cg *

kalau x paham jgak xper lh dyedee mmg xder bakat nk ajar2 org nie !!~~ hahaha

this lately nie dyedee asyik duk berfangirling jee dpn tv !!~~ alaaa normal lah tue bile nmpak iklan LINE !!~~ u know y  ??? coz siwon is the main in the advrtisemnt so for sure i'm gonna get excited once watch it no matter how many time i had watch it !!~~ hahaha...ok maybe nmpak mcm gilee cket but who cares !!~~ hahaha

* untunglah brgambar dgn siwon oppa *

dyedee rase smua org dh tahu kot iklan nie !!~~ 

dyedee nk cite ai tue dyedee tgok tv dgn umie n iklan tue pop up on the tv skrin for the first time n naluri fangirl dh x bley nk tahan so terus pegi dkat dgn skrin tv n jerit2 ' oppa adek !!~~ umie oppa adek !!~~ umie kiutnye oppa adek !!~~ ' smpai lh tamat iklan tue !!~ mujur lah iklan tue kejap jee kalau x bley sawan chek dyedee !!~~

* artis korea nek rapid KL *

umie plak gelak jee tgok dyedee berfangirling dpn tv tue !!!~~ pastue chek dyedee pom citee lah kt unnie pasal siwon mase ad press conference LINE dkat malaysia ai tue...n dyedee pom sjee jee nk buat nek rating pastue dyedee pom kutuk siwon sbb pengacara yg intrview dye mse press conference tue ckp producer x bg dye nk snap pic dgn siwon wloupom pgacara tue offer dye buat free jee asalkn dye bley tgkap pic dgn siwon tpi producer tue sggop byar pengacara tue full price tpi mmg x bley nk snap pic dgn siwon !!~~ pastue umie plak bkn men lg duk bela abg siwon tue ckp ' yee lah dye tue femes !!~~ ' perghhh dlm hati chek dyedee ' umie dh officially siwonest dh nie ' hahaaha * misi berjaya *

rase nk gelak pom ader mse tue sbb umie dh suke kt siwon !!~ wloupom xder lah thap mnat dyedee dkat sj but still at least umie x bash dyeorg !!~~ haahaha

*x yah nk gedik sgt lah oppa !!~~ bini awk dh rmai dh !!~~ hahaaha *

pastue kali kdua kluar iklan tue dyedee pom mcm biase lah duk gelak sgsorang , tepuk tgn sgsorang , duk tnjuk skrin tue dgn smngtnye ttbe channel bertukar !!~~ dyedee pom aper lg ' UMIEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!! ' umie sjee jee tukar channel time tue !!~ pastue umie buat muke kesian mcm puss tpi chek dyedee x kn trtipu !!~ aper lg tukar balik siap ckp lg ' mujur x abis lg iklan nie ' !!~~ umie pulak ' ALLAH , ALLAH , semangtnye !!~~ ' dyedee pom sengeh buat iklan ubat gigi...hahaha

* knpe bkn chek dyedee jd pompuan tue ??~~ *

pastue kali ketiga dyedee tgok iklan tue n mcm biase lah dgn umie lah !!~ tgah2 sembang dgn umie ttbe iklan tue kuar dyedee pom aper lg ' umie !!~ oppa !!~~ umie !!~ oppa adek !!~~ ' terus lari mendekatkn diri dkat skrin smbil duk fangirling pastue umie ckp ' mne remote cntrol nk tukar nie * gelak jahat * !!~~ ' dyedee plak aper lg berdiri dpn tv tue x nk bg umie tukar ' hahaha x bley tukar !!~~ ' umie gelak siap ckp lg ' hok puan dlm iklan tue x gedik mcm hok luor nie !!~~ hahaha ' dyedee aper lg bele diri lah ' olow hok puan tue bley blakon dgn oppa !!~ bkn sng nk jmpe kot !!~~ ' umie gelak jee lah !!~ yee lah kalau lawan chek dyedee nie mmg x abis !!~~ hahaha

so dyedee nk cite yg dyedee baru jmpe iklan tue 3 kali !!~~ n msti excited !!~~ padahal bley jee kalau nk tgok kat utube !!!~ search jee bkn ssah pom tpi bile tgok dlm tv feel dye tue len cket !!~~ kuang3

so this is how fangirls react once they meet their oppa !!~~ not technically meet we just watch them !!!~~ so i'm still normal i guest !!~~ haahaha

Thursday 11 April 2013

love letter !!

assalamualaikum !!! * ketuk pntu *

dyedee ai nie sjee jee nk menggedik tulis love letter !!! kuang3

ai nie dyedee x taw yg knpe dyedee jd menggedik sgt dgn abg LEE DONG HAE tue !! sape suruh selca cute sgt !! x pasal2 dyedee yg meroyan !!~~ dh lah pic tue file dye besar x pasal2 x bley nk save pic tue !!~

so sape2 yg terase nk tgok pic yg dyedee mksud kn tue tekan lah kat SINI !!! * sgt2 brbaloi kalau tekan *

dyedee ttbe jee rase cm byk bnde dyedee nk citee kt abg aiden nie !!! dyedee rase kalau nk tweet kt mmat nie mmg 7 keturunan lah x to make it simple and sweet dyedee pom buat lah love letter nie !!!

msti korunk nk kate dyedee gilee sbb bkn abg donghae tue bley bce pom tpi bia lah dyedee nk buat jgak !! x kesah lah korunk nk kate dyedee gilee pom sbb abg hae pom ckp dyedee gilee !! yee lah gilee kt abg aiden jgak kn !!! so who cares !!~~ hahaha

ok !! skunkz dh2 lah blebering sgale bgai tue chek dyedee !!! dyedee nk fokus nie so pegi men jauh2 !! x yah bce lah entry nie !! dyedee nk suruh abg donghae jee bce !! so sape2 yg bkn bername LEE DONG HAE a.k.a AIDEN LEE sile angkat kaki anda dari sini !!~~ * bkn mnghalau tpi dyedee MALU *

to :
my precious baby nemo

i know u will never be able to read this love letter but as i say to u just now i just love to write for u !! i don't care whether u read it or not !! at least i put my effort in loving u !! u don't have to mention it , i know how sweet i am but who cn resist someone special like u ??~~ only someone that have no brain cn do that like seriously ^^

first i wanna thank u for existing in my life !! mybe u have no idea how much u change my life but only GOD know how much u mean to me !! u taught me a lot of things that so useful in my life like :

respect others althought the other party is vice verse

i think u know who is i'm talking about right..?? yup that man called LEE SOO MAN !!~~ it's not that i hate him but i just disagree with any single thing he did to u !!~~ mybe i really should thank him but only for once...for create SUPER JUNIOR and that how i know u but it's doesn't mean that he cn do anything to all of u !! but i know how much teukie oppa love him so i'm still on my way tring to love him too mybe not as i love u mybe i don't make myself hate i'm trying to bury all the the moments he did to all of u ~~

* soo man u just should read n understnd this *

how to be loyal

this reason make me love u more and more !! by loving u i'm now get a new big and nice family !!! yup ELF !! we always communicate with each others by using all social network...although we have no idea who they are but we always tweet each other around the world like we are friends...the only reason why we cn get going in short time bcoz of u !! we share a lot similarities so we have no reason why we need to avoid or hate each other...they will keep me update about u !! we help each other too...we always fight together to make u be number 1 in all chart !! this just a small thing that show our hardwork to make sure u deserve a better place...our relationship is as strong as ur brotherhood among the members !!~~ u should remember that !!~~

work hard until u get it

this time i really want to thank u personally becoz u really motivate me to work harder to get something !! mybe u don't know when did u cheer me up to work so hard but by watching u from u being a beginner until now i realise how important work hard is...u really open my eyes n now after my hardworking and my pray at last i got what i want...ALHAMDULILLAH !! creadit to super junior..sometimes when i see ur hardwork i'm kinda sad coz u deserve more than this but i know u will always be strong as long ELF always by ur that's y i'm still an ELF and i'm gonna be ur ELF just forever !!~~

i'm not alone

actually all muslim not alone same goes with me...we have ALLAH all time whether when we happy or sad...but u also there for me...technically no but u know what i mean right..??hahaha * what i'm talking bout * since i'm the youngest in family so now i'm the only child that left at home since my other siblings live far away from whenever i have problem i always have no one for me to hear except my parents...but not all the time i can share prob with them...they have their own prob...and i don't want my parents to be sad whenever i disagree with their decision...although i disagree with them but still i do what they want but i just doing it without putting myself in it...for ur information i have lots of pic of u and sj in my lappy so everytime i have prob i will open ur smiling pic and crying along with ur song as music background...u laughing !!?? i'm emo-ing right now !!~~ hahaha...but seriously...when i feel stress over something i will just listen to ur voice and stare at ur pic..and sometimes if i cn't bear the pain i will talk to u and i know u cn't hear it or even understnd it but i need someone to share that pain and i choose u and u know how import u are in my life !!!??~~ ^^

and u really helpful especially last year...last year was my very tension and stress year...coz i have a very triple etra super duper big exam that will change my life after this...u should now how hard the exam is...i have lots of tears at that time...i have no one to express my feeling coz everytime i'm sharing my prob with umie i'm gonna cry...crying is the last thing i want to show to my umie...i don't want to look weak in front of umie so i have no one that's y u always be my shoulder when i shed my tears...u give me strength to continue my hardwork although i kept failing and don't get what i really looking for...but at last i did it !! i don't know how to thank u !!~~ u kept me doing the things althougth i keep failing all the time !!~~ u give me support from afar !!~~ really tenkyu oppa !! not just for u but to all of u !!~~i just wanna say ' oppa !! i did it !! ' * if only u cn hear it *

befriend with all

now i have lots of friends around the world...u just open my eyes to see how many people that i cn befriend with...and now i happy to have this extravaganza family...i just don't know how i cn express my feeling about all of this by words coz it's indescribable...only ELF cn understand it..without we realise we need each other to colour the world with sapphire blue sea...* wth i'm talking * i know how to approach's not so hard...bfore this i always wait for others to start the conversation but now i cn stand by myself talking with them...we keep talking about u !! u should know that ~~ even i just know them in twitter but i feel like we are pal for along time already !! so tenkyu oppa giving me this friendly family...we not tired to approach each other bcoz we need to be in contact to protect u if there's fanwar...u know ELF always stay back when we involve in fanwar but sometimes we cn't just keep quite coz we need to show them how fierce ELF cn be once they involve sj in any fanwar...we always keep grenade at home to protect u !!~~ hahaha

i don't need BF but i just need husband

this reason is kinda weird but the idea just pop up in my mind so why not i just writing bout this coz it's kinda interesting...kuang3...i don't have any idea what the function to have bf for real.?? for what.??to hang around when we have free time..that's it..??hahaha...ok different people have different opinion u know so for me i don't need bf coz i already have u...u are just my everything for me..

i know u and i never get together but i always pray that one day i will meet my future husband who is just like u..sweet talker like u , sweet like u , romantic like u , kind like u , generous like u , cute like u , wise like u , handsome like u , childish like u , fishy like u make it simple i just want someone like u..!!! everything like u !!! but the different is he is muslim...i'm not talking u down but in my religious we cn't get married if u and me have different religious...but i always pray that one day u will find the right path so if we cn't meet in this fake world at least we still cn meet up in after world..but i already have this in my mind...i wanna get married once u get married...its mean that i will wait for u until u get someone be beside u just in case if u and i are really meant to be together so i'm still single at that time...and i really hope so's normal ok !!~~ to be together with our bias is the biggest hope for each fans so it's not a big deal if i have that kinda of wish too...hehehe...but take note ' i'm gonna wait for u until u be other's '...promise me u would find someone that kind enough for u and deserve someone perfect like u !!~~ mybe i will cry a han river but as long as u happy then i will happy too but it really take time for me to accept the fact that u're somebody's husband...* shy *

make me in love with pyjama

seriously this reason so ridiculous but it's really mean to me...actually before i know u i have no idea y people should wear a special 'shirt' for night...for me night or day we wear the same kinda of shirt...but now i know y it happen...bcoz at night our body in the stage for growth especially kids so we need shirt that so comfortable for our body to get bigger...if we wear a tight one than it will affect our growth rate and will cause other prob...differ if we wear pyjama...pyjama has it's own make it easy to understnd pyjama is just so comfortable to sleep with compare to jeans and skirts and so everytime someone ask me what kinda present i want and the answer is pyjama...i just love to wear it coz it's extra in size and i know y u so love to wear pyjama compare to ur weird shirt at day...kuang3..this is one way to keep u health...i'm telling u...hahaha

how to be a good friend

watching u with hyukkie always make me envy with u guys...not only when u with hyukkie also u with members...we cn see ur brotherhood is just so strong to break...ur friendship among mmbers that i think no one have that kind of pure and noble friendship...everytime u fight with each other it will bring u more closer...that what i get from u...u always mocking around with others not becoz u hate them but bcoz u love them...mybe for ordinary people mocking is the way to show we hate them but actually mocking is a different way to show our love..i really want to be a good friend for all my friends but i don't know whether i good enough for them or not but i willing to give a try...and it so funny to hear that when u ask hyukkie to share his prob with u coz u alwys share's really look likes u're such 5 yo kid like seriously...u just so pure and kinda childish...that's the reason why i cn't resist u...

u'r too cute to be ignore...hahaha...and i really want to be a shoulder for all my friends when they need someone to share their pain..they cn depend on me if they want to shed tears...i just like u hae !!~~ no one wanna share their prob with me coz they don't have there's no prob then...but i want to let my BFF know that no matter how far we are separated i want u all to know that i'm ready anytime for u just in case...mybe i cn't solve the prob but at least i cn hear the prob...i just wanna be someone that precious for u guys * sob *

love our ' bahasa ibunda '

as i cn my country we always use eng in our daily conversation...yes it's good to improve our knowledge bout the language but bahasa melayu is our first language if u forget bout y don't we use bm in our cnversation...n now why i'm using eng..??bcoz now i'm talking to korean so of course i'm using english coz i just know a few words in korean so how i cn communicate in that language...oppa !! u always use ur language although u're in malaysia , thailand and so on...u proud to talk in korean...u proud with ur i think why i cn't be just like u...i just sick watching malaysian talking english with other't we just use our own language...if u keep it like this i think one day malaysia will announce that first language in malaysia will be eng and i don't want that to happen...we still cn use eng but just don't forget bm too...get urself balance , that's it and u gonna be fine...hehehe

i think i need to stop it now...i just into this writing so much...i feel like i'm talking to u by person..that's y i told u that i just don't know how to stop when i get start 'talking' to u...^^

i know u will never find this letter...i know u will never understand this letter but who knows one day when i'm gone and there's someone find this love letter and translate this into hangul and give it to u...who knows the future except GOD and i'm so looking forward if it really will happen...

i know i already keep repeating the same world billion time already coz i don't know how to express my thank to u !! too many things that i learn from u by loving u all this while !!!~ i'm gonna love u until forever...mybe i'm not loving u from the beginning but i'm gonna make sure i'm loving u until i'm gone...

a billion tenkyu just for u and sj !!! i really cn't pay ur deed...^^

from :
someone that secretly love u  ^^

Monday 8 April 2013

first love


pg bute nie dyedee x nk cite pasal dyedee pnye first love sbb dyedee xder first love !!! hahaha

serious xder !! x caye sudaaa !! nie dyedee nk cite pasal henry lau pnye first love !! knal x sape henry lau ??

kalau x knal mmg x layak idop lah mnusie tue !! hahaha

* nie lah henry lau !! member sjm !! x knal jgak sudaa lah *

bg dyedee mmat nie pnye first love sgt lah sweet !! dh lah mmat nie style sweet jgak !! hahaha

tadi henry pegi sukira !! henry skunkz dh jd permenant guest dkat sukira !!! dye jd official eng teacher kt sukira !! hahaha

so tdi wookie , hyukkie dn henry dyeorg ckp pasal first love !!

so wookie tnye lah henry pasal first love dye !!

pastue henry pom ckp lah x kn nk membatu kt ctue jee...hahaha

so nie lah prbualan dyeorg !!

Ryeowook: When was your first love? | Henry: I only had 1 girlfriend

*omg he dated his first gf for 7 years since middle school? O_O*

Ryeowook : do u still contact her now ?

Henry: no because the girl is in canada and I am here so we can't continue dating...whenever we contact each other, I started to like her again

wloupom singkat jee dyeorg ckp pasal first love henry tpi nmpak sweet gilee kn !! dh lah first love pastue dyeorg dh couple 7 tahun...dari middle school lg tue !! pastue yg comment kalau dye contct each other dye akn fall dkat pompuan tue balek !!

x k rase yg oppa dyedee nie sweet !! kalau dyedee jd pompuan tue msti nanges kalau dgar henry ckp cmnie !! hahaha

mse dyedee bce nie dyedee mcm ' alaaa sweetnye !! untunglah pompuan tue !! hahaha '

serious dyedee nk sgt kalau dyeorg brsama !! * cehh frst time dyedee support oppa kaple * hahaha

kay !!


sape2 yg blom tdoe pegi lah tdoe dh pg dh nie !! k x reti cmner nk tdoe..??meh dyedee nk ajarkn...hahaha

sbenrnye dyedee baru lepas sudah siapkn kerje ummie pastue ttbe teringat kat kay !! hahaha

lame sgt x mcj dye kot tue yg ttbe ingt kt dye...tue jee ok !! x lebey pom !! hahaha

dyedee teringat yg hari tue dye citee kt dyedee dye ckp dye tgah ejas sorang awek nie tpi spupu kay pom mnat dkat awek kay tnye dyedee mcm mne...dyedee mmg suke kalau lelaki kejar pompuan yg dye suke even lee donghae pom ckp ' if i have my eyes on a girl , i'll make her as mine !! ' * tue dyedee suke hae tue *

*oppa !! keep ur eyes on me !! so i'm gone be yours !! hahaha*

so dyedee pom ckp lah ' kalau kau btoi2 suke kt dye ckp lah kt dye then tgok lah dye pilih kau k spupu kau ' sbb nmpak mcm dye mmg minat gilee kt pompuan tue so dyedee support jee lah si kay nie...huhu..tpi dye mngalah sbb dye ckp ' dye x suke tikam belakang ' so dyedee pom x bley nk ckp aper2 lah kalau dh dye ckp mcm tue nnti x pasal2 dyedee plak yg kene...hahaha

*qoute nie sesuai kalau kay ckp kt pompuan tue*

ayt kay bile dyedee suruh dye compete dgn spupu dye untk dptkn pompuan tue :

' ak x nk lah kejar dye...kau kn ader...kau sggop teman ak bile ak x bley tidoe wloupom pukul 3 pg...kalau dye x sggop pom buat mcm kau buat '

ayt nie lah buat dyedee ttbe teringat kt kay pagi2 bute nie !! sweet kn..??sbb tue mmat nie player !! hahaha sbb dye nie sweet talker..serious kalau x knal dye mmg bley melting dgn ayt cheesy wedges dye tue..hahaha

sblom korunk2 pikir jauh gilee !! dyedee dgn kay hnye kawan !! ok !! so kwn msti lah kene support kwn dye yg len kn !! kawan msti kne brkorban untk kawan dye yg len kn !! so that's what i'm doing !! so we are just friend !! hahaha

dyedee rase terharu jugak lah bile dye ckp mcm tue !! kay ckp cmtue sbb dyedee nie tmpat bile dye ad msalah jee !! bile dye duk brbhagia dgn awek2 dye jgn harap lah dye ingt chek dyedee...hahaha

nie dyedee nk citee cmner dyedee bley teman mmat kay nie !! so korunk xder lah pikir bkn2 *wloupom korunk x ambek port pom pasal bnde nie* hahaha

sbnarnye ad lah satu hari tue kay nie call dyedee...mase tue dyedee pom x bley tidoe sgt tpi mmg dyedee tgah tdoe lah mse dyedee pom angkat lah !!

kay : woi kau tgah tdoe k..??

dyedee : yee lah x kn ak tgah basuh bju plak..??*suare bgun tdoe*

kay : weh ak x ley tdoe lah weh mlm nie...

dyedee : laaa knpe plak..??kau bru clash dgn gf kau k..??

kay : xder lah weh...

dyedee : dh tue..??kau ad masalah k..??

kay : x ah...ak dh tdoe petang td tue yg ak xley tdoe nie...

dyedee : laaaa tue jee...

kay : teman ak mlm nie !!~~

dyedee : huh.??

kay : kite mcj ek..??abis lah kreadit ak kalau bergayut dgn kau...hehehe

dyedee : alah kedekutnye !!~~ tgok lah dulu kalau ak x rply tue mksudnye ak smbung tdoe lah tue..hahaha

kay : ok !! letak phone dkat telinga ek...

dyedee : yee lah !!~~ bye 

so nie lah aper yg dyedee ckp dgn kay yg kedekut tahik idong cine tue !!~~ hahaha dh lah mase nie akak dyedee x tdoe lg so dye tgok pelek jee kat chek dyedee...yee lah aper yg x peleknye kalau tgah best2 tdoe ttbe ader org call pastue chek dyedee pom terpakse lah stay up smpai pg !! hahaha

*kay pom kdekut mcm yeye oppa k.??hahaha*

so spnjng mlm tue laa kay nie duk mnyeksa batin dyedee jee memnjang dgn care dye rply pendek gilee!! hahaha

kiteorg pom sembang jee lah aper yg ptot...abis semua kisah zman budak2 kiteorg , kiteorg share mlm tue...d sbbkn mmat nie lah mate chek dyedee jd cerah balek !! 

tgah2 mcj nie chek dyedee dh bg warning kt kay nie *yee lah chek dyedee bley rase yg dye akn tdoe* :

 ' kau jgn nk tdoe plak !! kalau kau tdoe jgak jage lah kau !! '

last2 dyedee kene tggal sgsorang mlm tue sbb ttbe plak kay nie bley kan men lg x bley tidoe..dh dye x rply dyedee pom nk sambung tdoe jgak tpi x bley dh mate dh cerah dh !! ak benci kau kay !!~~ haha

yg x bley blah tue esk pg mcj dyedee :

' soe tinggal kau smlm !! '

ok bg korunk ayt tue biase tpi bg dyedee mcm dyedee kene dump jee dgn kay nie !! lawak gilee ayt dye !! kuang3

skunkz dh lame dye x mcj dyedee...mksudnye dye skunkz tgah idop bhgie !! xder msalah lh tue !! hahaha...dyedee pom rase mls nk menaip mcj !! dh lah kalau mcj dgn mmat tue msti dyedee jee yg kene cari idea nk ckp aper sbb dye nie mcj pnye lah pendek rply !! sbb tue dyedee x suke mcj mmat nie !! hahahaha

ttbe rindu teukie oppa !!! bile nk balek !!??

* i'm gonna wait for another 2 years to see ur bright smile again *