Monday 24 December 2012

again..??u will die..!!!~~^^

assalamualaikum...teke dh pukul brpe nie..??entah lah kn..x ambek port pom...kuang3

takot op bce title post nie..??actually dyedee buat post nie mmg khas untuk sorang jew iaitu company super junior..!!!


sbb taun nie kn ad GDA kt malaysia..kalau dyedee ank org kaye mmg dh lame dyedee beli tiket RM 999 tue..kuang3

dyedee duk mnyibukkn diri tgok vid2 dkat utube ttbe jew rse nk tgok balek super junior oppa mse GDA 2010 mse sj n elf dtindas n kitew x ambek tindakan lgsung kpd company oppa n kitew hnye mmpu tgok oppa kcewe sbb HAK mreka jatuh k tgn org yg X LAYAK...bkn nk ckp lh...tpi oppa lg deserve bnde tue...actually dyedee bkn nk ngukit k ape this is just my opinion...^^

dgn tgok vid kekecewaan kiteorg tue dyedee rse cm lg smngt nk vote untk oppa in all kind of awards x kire ah GDA k ape k kn yg pnting sume oppa mng..!!!dyedee x nk tgok oppa kcewe lg...bia lh kitew sme2 brjye kn..oppa deserve better than in 2010...dh lh taun nie xder teukie oppa...i know we cn do it and make our leader proud with us..!!~~

forever akn dyedee ingt GDA 2010...dyedee x pham knpe company tue buat cmtue..??ape salah dyeorg..??

kalau korunk rse dyedee x ptot ungkit bnde nie or x sokong dgn dyedee...tue ats korunk lh..dyedee just nk luahkn rse yg x brpe nk puas atie sgt n dyedee nk suh rse smngt untk make sure oppa mng lg tggi...tue jew..^^

so i hope u cn spend some of ur time watching this vid...


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