Wednesday 30 January 2013

so what !?


oley krane chek dyedee duk bine bdn jew kt chek dyedee telah dhntar tggal dgn nenekku td xder elektrik *bak katew org teganu xdok apie* so dyedee duk bertape sengsorang lam gelap sbb nenek dyedee ad dlm bilik tgah dyedee asyik pikir mmat Z tue jew memanjang...

dyedee kompius dgn prsaan dyedee...dyedee pikir cm dye x deserve org cm dyedee...satu2nye tmpat bley jumpe dye kt lpas mmat tue buat lesen kt mne lg kiteorg bley jmpe..??dyedee keep asking that question to myself although i knew i have nothing for the answer...dh hmpir 2 taun kot dyedee x jmpe dye...dlm mse 2 tahun tue lh dyedee try to forget him n now he shown up again...if i need to forget him again...i'm afraid that i cn't fully forget him...

tpi bile pikir sgt pasal mmat tue...agk2 dye ad pikir x sal dyedee.??x payah tnye mmg jwpn dye xder lh kn...huhuhu...*terase dgn katew2 sndiri* 

tgah2 sdap duk feeling nie ttbe jew dyedee pikir 'kalau chek dyedee mmg suke kt mmat tue then what cn i do..??xkn dyedee nk confess kt dye..??xkn dyedee nk ajak dye kaple..??dyedee xley nk buat aper2 pom unless one thing...ignore the feeling...thats all !

so chek dyedee just ignore ur feeling...if he is the one that had written for u then u will meet him again after 10 years...who know..?? u must believe in that...but as we all know its not an easy thing to forget someone that keep 'menyemaking' in our mind...

but seriously i hope i will get in the same uni with him...hahahaha *really childish lh chek dyedee* 


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