Tuesday 27 December 2011

dyedee nanges...???


so blum pape lg dyedee nk bg wsiat cket...entry nie pnjng glew..so dyedee x pakse kalau xnk bce pom xpe tpi mnyesal jew lh...hihi

ok ai nie dyedee nk habak cket yg dyedee brjye mngeluarkn air mate....!!!!!~~

kalau korunk bce entry dyedee yg sblum2 nie mmg dyedee adalah org pling tough lam plenet nie kot...

spe lh tue yg brjyew buat dyedee nges..???

tpi mslahnyew xder lh thap bley bnjir mydin mall tue...tpi air tue kuar thap setitis embun jew...kire ok lh tue kn..skurang2nyew mtew dyedee xlah brdebu sgt....nges kn bley cuci mtew...slen drpd aktiviti kureng mooral korunk tuk cuci mtew....

korunk jgn nk buat mke innocent thap perompak mintak jgn jtuhkn hukum mandatori kt dye n jgn nk buat tnyew 'eh ak buat pe eh smpai thp kureng moralnyew..??'

tpi sbnanryew bkn lh kureng sgt moralnyew tpi mmg xder pom...hehe

nie dh kire lari dri topik sgt2 dh nie...so meh cnie dgar citew dyedee nie cmner dyedee bley kuarkn air embun dri mtew...bce smpai abis taw...hehe

tadi dgn bhgienyew dyedee cri variety show yg suju masok koz nk lpas rndu skali nk improve english...haha..mentang2 sub dye eng...so mule2 dyedee tgok skip beat ep 2...pastue merebak lh k video2 len...nk buat cmner mmg x bley nk lri dri addicted tue them especially ma boy...*ayt x ley jln*

so lpas skip beat dyedee ad lah tgok vdeo2 sal aiden lee...tgok..!!!!dyedee ad pakwe bru so xder lh korunk bosan sgt bce sal lee donghae jew...bru ad variation kn...walaupom sume sal guy tue cyezly x bowink lgsung koz dye kiut+Qiut+comei+kyeuppta+bek+romantik...hihi

kalau korunk x knal sape aiden lee nnti dyedee knalkn tpi bkn skunkz...hehe..so nk tw bce lh abis...jgn nk trus skoll kt bwh eh...??*dyedee tw niat korunk*...hehe...dyedee pom sgkut lh dgn show 'H3LLO'...n yg pnting ma boy ad lam tue...jdi dyedee pom smkin smngt lh nk tgok kn...skali dgn  3 member len....

lee hyukjae  *screaming*

choi kyuhyun *insomnia*

shin donghee *smile* 

*dyedee x bias k..gurau jew...lets histeria...!!!!~~*

show tue cyez bez glew...msti korunk dh tw kn sal show tue...korunk kn lg updated sal korea nie dri dyedee kn...so bg yg x tw meh dyedee bg tw...sbnarnyre citew dye sal dyeorg nk tolong korean yg ad msalah lam idop...n yg pnting aiden lee ad...!!!!comei plop tue...haha...pastue mse nk abis dh aiden lee bg adiah kt pmnang dye n dye peluk pompuan tue...pastue dyedee trus screaming like crazy n mcm biase dpt jelingan free lh n mcm biase jgak dyedee buat x nmpak...hehe

lpas tgok citew yg ad byk scene comei aiden lee tue buat dyedee sgkut jew dgn dye so dyedee cri pnyew cri jmpe lh vdeo yg dh lme dyedeee nk tgok tpi msti ad hlgn....dri f3 lg kot dyedee wish nk tgok...citew sal unbealivable outing still brsame aiden lee...msti korunk ckp "laaa nie show pnyew lme skunkz bru nk tgok..ape lh mk ck sorang nie.."

ske atie korunk lh nk ckp ape pom...~~nk buat cmner kn...so mse tgok citew nie dyedee kureng pham lh sal show nie...kalau sal vdeo cmnie nk paham 10000% thap nk jwb STPM jew...kalau study cmnie kn bgos...*ayt mak2*

lam show nie lh guys no.3 dyedee kne pukul...!!!!~~sdey tw...apekehal plak nk men pukul2 guy no.3 dyedee...nie bkn dh thp men nie dh thap btoi2 pnyew...smpai malaysie bley ase ksakitn tue...dh lh pompuan plak yg buat...kuat plak tue...sume yg buat tue dyedee istihar dyeorg bkn wnite melayu trakhir  tue yg kuat tue...dh lh rmai yg pukul dye...dyedee yg x kene nie pom dh brtukar kulit jdi ijau dh..tggu nk p serang jew...ad k ptot buat cmtue..??mmg TAK ah...!!!!!~~

so mse guys no.3 dyedee kne pukul thap ah long prktis tomoi tue dyedee ttbe jew kuar air embun...dh nie pe kez plak ttbe jew xder signal trus kuar...sbnarnyew air tue kuar koz dyedee tgok dye kne pukul n dye sbut 'auoch'...

spe yg brani sgt tue buat aiden dyedee cmtue...haish mmg tempah kbur free lh tue...!!!~~

tue lh org ktew

  C.I.N.T.E@L.O.V.E@S.A. R.A.N.G@A.I

so xyah nk bkti pape dh mmg dyedee ad chemical bond yg kuat glew dgn mmat tue...

msti korunk x pham kn koz too many name kn...so kalau korunk scroll k bwh skali n korunk akn pham citew dyedee nie...hihi

dyedee x mgkir jnji k...meh cnie kjap dyedee nk bisik spe aiden lee dyedee a.k.a ma boy a.k.a guy no.3 tue....
hah..??x dgar..??sng2 dyedee tnjuk gmbar ah...hihi


waaaa determinenyew korunk...i'm proud of u thap mk korunk bgge tgok kputusn exam korunk...hehhe

nie ma boy...!!!!

nie guy no. 3 forever

the most meaningful guy ever...

aiden lee....

msti korunk ckp "laaa kn sng ckp lee donghae xyah lh ak nk bzir bce entry nie smpai abis...pnjang glew n pecah kpale ak duk bce entry brbelit2 nie chek dyedee oi.."

mrah nmpak akak oi...abis kn dyedee dh ckp yg dyedee x bley survive x ckp sal dyeorg lam beloggg nie...so nsib korunk lh...* penanh eh ckp cmtue..??*~~hehehe

papepom korunk so lovely...!!!!~~

msti korunk ingt dyedee nk ambek limpe kn...x..!!!!nie yg btoi2 pnyew tw...!!!!


  1. ;p. thulah aiden lee tu donghae .yg pnting unbelievable outing mmg the best ar ! ! !

  2. @nursyameeracomei kn nme eng dye...pakwe spe lh tue kn...??ermmm..hihi


tggal jejak korunk kt cnie taw...