Thursday 29 December 2011

ELF daebak....!!!!!~~^^ org x kt sne...???jwb salam tue taw...

ok mlm nie dyedee apie thap brung yg bebas clap lh...pagi nie dyedee apie glew...x kire lh pagi petang...yg pnting dunie msti taw dyedee apie sgt13 skunk nie...!!!!~~

msti korunk ckp cm dyedee agk x siuman mcm mmat tadi dyedee xder lh thap hisap gam cm dye tue k...dyedee waras n ad byk lg mknan len yg dyedee bley mkn...hehe

sbnanrnyew dyedee bhgie glew ble taw yg ELF tegakkn hak kteorg yg sal SBS Gayo Daejun 2011.!!!!kalau bg dyedee xder yg bley lwn ELF yg very determine nie...dgn adanyew ELF oppa xder lh kne tindas sgt dgn agensi yg agk entah pape tue...!!!!!~~

kn tuk first pre recording tuk  SUPER JUNIOR  there's no ELF to cheer for them so dyeorg mintak fans club len yg tolong dyeorg cm bg support cket lh kt dyeorg...mse dyedee taw bnde nie dyedee rse sedey glew tuk oppa...ksian glew kot koz adek2 dye slame nie yg support dyeorg tpi tuk pre recording tue xder...kalau dyedee pom mmg down glew lh...dyedee rse mcm brsalah sgt koz dyedee nie nme jew ELF tpi x bley nk buat pape pom tuk oppa...=(((

so lepas ELF mcm tuntut lh hak dyeorg n oppa jdi oppa buat second pre recording...kali nie mmg ad ELF to cheer up for them...mse nie bru lh smngat...adek sndri mai support...amacam ELF...???determine kn..??hihi

uri oppa win in MBC Entertaiment Award...!!!!

leader and the maknae...!!!!

sbnarnyew mlm nie ad award yg kt ats tue so ad artis yg terlibat dlm event nie trlibat jgak lam award tue so that's y lh dyeorg buat pre recording tuk artis yg xder tue dyeorg just paparkn yg pre recording jew lh...tpi walaupom oppa 2 org nie trlibat tpi dyeorg p due due skali koz tmpat due due event nie dkat jew pom...10 min drive dh bley smpai...hihi

dyedee ciap tgok online lg tpi x smooth langsung...buat lg saket atie pom ad...lpas tgok tue agk x puas atie lh kn abis tgok cket brhenti tgok cket akak dyedee tue dgn bek atienyew cri lh vid dyeorg...n yg pnting is dye jumpe so bru bez dyedee nk tgok...skunkz pom dyedee tgah dgar dyeorg perform tadi...dh brape kali ape katew korunk pom enjoy this song jgak...

duet dgn SNSD still nmpak muke dyeorg x enjoy mlm nie...=(

sbnarnyew dyedee mmg nk upload semue vid dyeorg mlm nie tpi lmbat sgt lh nk tggu satu2 tue sudah upload n dyedee bkn jnis yg pnyabar sgt kalau korunk nk tgok full cut dyeorg korunk p lh kat cnie...korunk cri lh semue vid tue...yg pnting free juz korunk kne byar bill internet jew lh...hahaha

although they look happy but in the deep of their heart only ELF know how they feel...=( 

the most amazing performance ever....!!!!

tpi yg dyedee noticed kt cnie dyeorg nmpak sgt x enjoy perform mlm nie...cyezly...kalau korunk tenung jew dyeorg mmg korunk akn nmpak lh...tpi papepom dyeorg always daebak juz like their sister...



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