Sunday 20 May 2012

korean language just like ABC...^^


i'm so happy like crazy...ALHAMDULILLAH ALLAH for giving me such a perfect life...actually now i'm studying korean language...!!!!*screaming*

actually i can't stop myself from studying that language...its so so so and so interesting..

.once u get some new statement or phrse u feel like this world is urs...yup...u need to believe on me...actually at first i feel like i wanna give up once i see the whole korean consanant and vowel words but after u start to learn little by little u will find the joyful behind the hardness of the language...

actually its very very very hard to study but i love the hardness...actually the hardness had taught me a lot about the meaning of sacrifice for ur love one....actually i'm studying this language is not just bcoz for my aiden lee but actually i study this kind of hard language just for increase my knowledge and especially i'm do this just for ALLAH...bcoz ALLAH always ask us to study not just for exam but for ur whole life...yes i now that we do not live forever in this complicated world but we need to have so many knowledge to avoid us from being someone that cn easy thrust people like we know nothing...

this the most valuable phrase ever...<3

that's all for today...i wanna write another entry...i'm so free right now...yesss...i love freedom...!!!!~~


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