Friday 8 June 2012

terase doe...='(

nk tnyew cket..!!!!ai nie ai ape ek..???xkn x taw kot ai nie lah bday dyedee EURO...!!!!the ai nie dyedee nk citew yg dyedee sme nseb ngan oppa n dyedee tw ape prsaan i realised the pain when someone that so meaningful to us didn't now our bday...

ok maybe some people think that its just a date that doesn't mean anything but for me its so so important...but now its also mean nothing to me same goes to oppa....OPPA WE ARE THE SAME...actually dyedee p mkn lunch msti lh dkat umah mse dyedee nk mkn umie dyedee ckp 'saengil chukahae' tpi xder lh lam bhse alien nie kn..pastue umie pom ckp 'soe x ingt'..dyedee cm ok fine...pastue ad ayah mse tue pastue ayh pom tnyew 'bday angah k ai nie.??k bday along ai nie?'...scre x brpe nk sdor air matew ku kluar lh jgak wlaopom x lh thap ujan lebat kn...glew ah kalu nk kuor byk2 mlu ngat eh...hihi..pastue cpt2 lh than n akhirnyew brjyew...

olow13 bururknyew...hihi

am i nothing to them smpaikn bday ak x ingt...ok mybe byk ag prlu ingt but xyah lh nk obvious sgt x ingt bday ak kn...huhu...tpi ak nk wk cmner kn...ok fine just forget about that and since today is my birthday so i wanna change cre ak tulis no more dyedee but it will be replace with aku...actually ak didn't meant rude but it more comfortable i thinks...

and lastly ak pom spend the whole day watching oppa15 bcoz only that things cn make me smile..kamsahamida oppa becoz u always for me when nobody with me especially in pain..oppa u need take good care of ur health coz i always need u..!!!!

chukaHAE oppa...together we bet the best so that we be the best..!!!!

so kpde geng2 yg wish tue kamsahamida...althought xder adiah tpi ak appreciate lh kn wish korunkz...and betoi katew kwn ak...besor2 bday pom mcm bese jew without any surprise and since ai nie ai dyedee ak so ak nk ubah dri ak cket spaye lg gempak nie ak try to change:

1.xyah nk ngajuk sgt lh kn..
2.xyah jdi mnjew sgt...tought cket..!!!!
3.jdi seorg yg unik and loveable like oppa15...
4.xyah nk nges sgt lh kn...
5.stdy hard and make sure my parents will proud of me..
6.buat ibadah dgn ikhlas n smpurna...
7.always remember ALLAH all the day...

ok mybe byk lg n ak letih dh nk ckp sume2 kn so nie antre yg pling ak nk change koz mybe mmg xder org prfect tpi skurang2nyew ak jdi org yg 99.99999% perfect pom ape salahnyew kn...<3

bday ak tnpe wish yg natural dri umie present and a lot of tears...:'(


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