Thursday 7 June 2012

xley nk denied lg..

assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera...saya dyedee nk citew satu bnde nie...

haish ayt abis skema dh kn..nk buat cmner exam dh nk dkat tpi dyedee nie buat ape entah nie dyedee nk ckp sal

dyeorg pnyew citew cm best jew and the most important is cute...and tuk pgetahuan anda sume kn my beloved cute handsome smart wise oppa is the main character...and thats also a big problem to me...i will feel like i'm dying ble tgok oppa smile kt org len...tpi ape kn daye kn cinta x smestinyew memiliki kn...hihi

so know dyedee nk citew skit sal citew nie...actually citew nie tntang oppa as mr porcupine...dye nie ad bodyguard and jnis yg comei lh kn n pompuan nie plak style carefree and easygoing n dye adlah pmilik panda cafe...oppa akn brtemu lh dgn pompuan tue...mmg lh kn xkn nk jmpe dyedee plak kn...hihi

so at first dyedee tgok pompuan nie dyedee cm ' x comei pom...and bile tgok skali lg eh comei lh plak'
actually dyedee ubah fkiran coz dyedee taw dye nuna oppa so xyah nk risau sgt lh kn...^^



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