Sunday 24 November 2013

dugaan !

assalamualaikum !!~


as promised im back here writing about last ss5 malaysia !!~

so sblom dyedee citee sal ss5 malaysia dyedee nk citeeee betapa byknye dugaan nk jumpe hubby dyedeee like seriously !!~

honestly sape x nk pegi SUPER SHOW 5 MALAYSIA kan ??!!~ same goes to me !!~ dyedee dh kumpul duet for dis concert start from last year since there's no ss4 in malaysia !!~

so antare dugaan tue :


ok fine maybe korunk pikir ' SO WHAT ?? JUST BUY A NEW ONE '  but for me the shirt was so damnly precious since my mom bought it n the most important part is i haven't wear it yet !!~  camner boley rosak ??  sebenarnye salah dyedee jugak !!~ pemalas sgt !!~ dyedee ulang  PEMALAS sangat !!~ hahaha

dyedee nak basuh baju tue then dyedee campur dye dengan satu seluar nie yang memang dyedee taw seluar nie akan turun warna but still i mixed them !!~ i have no idea y im so lazy at that time !!~ dh ah bju tue warne pink dah tue pulak seluar warna koko !!~ guess what color the shirt can be ??  its like pink n brown mixed together !!~ so weirdo !!~ last2 dyedee beli baju baru jugak !!~ hahahaha


dis really unexpected like seriously n its so creepy !!~ first of all u need to know that dyedee stay at my sis house in merapoh, pahang n this place is quite reach kl we need to go through felda plantation n kelapa sawit plantation like tenth kilometres n u can imagine how bad the road can be..hehe

dah tue pulak akk dyedee nie bawak kereta dah macam bawak jet pejuang camner tak meletop tayar tue..mase mule2 tgok akk dyedee bawak kereta dah tahap pelesit dyedee dah boley rase tak sedap hati tpi tue lah kalo cakap kan makan atie pulak mak cik sorang tue so dyedee diam jee ah !!~ Just Allah know how scary i cn be !!~ i dont wanna remind the speed she used !!~

masa kat selekoh tue dye punye jalan macam teruk sikit dengan tebing jalan tue tinggi pastue selekoh pulak tajam..dah dye bawak laju n dekat sangat dengan tebing jalan then x bley nk stabilkan tayar then jatuh tebing !!~ seriously menakotkan..mase jatuh tue dyedee dah terbayang macam-macam dyedee dah macam kalo ader pape dyedee redha alhamdulillah xder pape..ALLAH STILL GIVE ME TIME !!~ TENKYU ALLAH !!~

dyedee keluar tgok tayar belah kiri depan n belakang pecah !!~ now i know how creepy when u involve in accident !!~ n dyedee terbayang betapa accident sj dulu !!~ mujur x melibatkan kereta len !!~ yang x ley blah kiteorg time tue betoi2 tengah ladang kelapa sawit doe !!~ LADANG KELAPA SAWIT !!~  who u expect to come n save u in dis kind of situation !!~ akk dyedee pom call kawan dye !!~ sambil2 tggu kwn dye tue then ader pengurus felda lah kot lebey kurang cmtue ah dtg !!~ thank ALLAH send him for helping us !!~ mase tue dh x pikir dh dye ader niat jahat k x sbb dh mmg desprate sgt !!~ mjur time tue dlm pukul 8.30 pg so sempat ah nk smpai kl !!~ sempat lg kn dyedee pikir bende camtue !!~ hahaha

pak cik tue bek gileeeee !!~ kan satu kerete cume ader satu spare tayar so dye tlg tukarkan tayar tue n mintak kwn dye dtg bwk spare tayar len..mmg seriously bek gileeeeee !!~ mmg terhutang budi sgt dgn pak cik tue !~ so after a few hours dye siap tukarkn tayar !!~ ALHAMDULILLAH !!~ n since tayar tue just spare tyre so its not so safe to drive with it in a long distance so we went to workshop in kuala lipis to find another two tayar !!~

now the worker gives us tayar that use for ferrari since my sis too passionate in driving !!~ n the price so freaking expensive but what cn we do !!~ hahahaha

after a few minutes waiting for the changing the tayar, we start the journey back with less speed then before !!~ hehe

nmpak x betapa ssuhnya nk jumpe hubby sendiri ??!!~ kerana oppa sggop ku redah !!~ lee donghae !!~ sile bace pengorbanan ini !!~ hahaha  * sing  IWANNADANCE *


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